Umeå Beer Club Digital Beer Tastings
We are available to hold digital beer tastings that are fully customisable to your needs and are the perfect way for groups and businesses to interact safely and casually. Our standard package is very popular and consists of trying 5 beers of varying styles over a period of about 1 hour 30 minutes. These factors could easily be altered however if requested (for instance if you just wanted to try IPA). Attendees buy their own beers from the Systembolaget list we supply. For each tasting a unique booklet will be also produced, detailing information and facts about each beer and its style. For attendees who would like an alcohol free option, this is also available with an accompanying booklet as well. The tastings usually have a requirement of a minimum of 8 people.
The tastings are held by Dave and Mimmi, who between them have nearly 30 years of experience in the beer industry. Over the past few months we have held a number of tastings, both for businesses and for personal groups such as family and friends. With extremely positive feedback we are confident of producing a relaxed and friendly tasting that caters to all levels of knowledge, from the casual beer drinker to those with a greater interest in the subject!
If you would like to book a tasting or discuss pricing, please email me at or feel free to message over Instagram or Facebook (both have the user name umeabeerclub). We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Dave & Mimmi

Reviews from happy attendees!
After our digital tastings, we like to send out a small anonymous questionnaire to the attendees to fill out if they wish. It is great to receive the feedback, especially when it is anonymous as people can be completely honest with their answers. After taking an average of the results, we scored 9.3 out of 10 for how happy the guests were with the tastings, which we are immensely proud of! We also thought we would share below a few of the amazing comments we received as well.
“Väldigt trevlig! Lagom lång och bra samkväm!”
MARCH 2021
“Tack för en fin provning! Allt var super bra :)”
MAY 2021
“Riktigt nöjd, bra sortiment och intressant att höra om ölen samt vad för något mat/dessert etc som de kan passa bra till!”
APRIL 2021
“Superbra RAKT igenom! Blev extremt taggad på att prova fler ölsorter och kommer definitivt boka er framöver 😀 TACK! Keep up the awesome work!”
MAY 2021
“Supertrevligt och gott! Ni var väldigt bra och det märks att ni är passionerade och gillar öl och framförallt kan förmedla detta! Kommer att rekommendera detta vidare och gärna återkomma om en privat testing!”
MAY 2021